Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

Well since everyone else is listing New year's resolutions, i figure I better go along with the crowd and come up with something. I am not really a big fan of resolutions, so I will just call this my goals for this year.
1- attend the temple at least 6 times this year
2- read scriptures with my family 3-4 times a week, (every night just isn't going to happen, let's be real)
3- Have more money in my savings in december than i do now.
4- Be a more giving person
5- Read more, watch tv less

Well there you have it. Here is to 2010.


Yo said...

those seem totally doable unlike most resolutions - good luck!!

Sarah said...

love your goals. you've given me a couple of ideas. thanks!

Rosanne Orgill said...

love your goals good luck with them. I gotta set mine now.:)

C said...

You are so funny! Those are great goals.

The Bliss Family said...

I don't like resolutions either. . .Ben and I made goals this year too. I like your goals! Good luck!

Joe said...

Thanks for listing your goals Julianne, those goals are going to be good for us too. I'm going to talk to Rosanne about it.